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  • No CP!!!
  • No hitmen!
  • No illegal content!
  • You are responsible for content!
  • Otherwise your site will be blacklisted!

Important note

Sites containing fake Darknet Home or fake partner sites or writing bad about us will be removed and blacklisted forever. We will also place all your .onion sites on our Tor Scam List for spreading fake information and promoting phishing sites.


Thumbnail will be taken automatically after 5-10 minutes.

Support for touch icons coming soon...

KNOWN ISSUE: If your site embeds non-existing styles, scripts, fonts or images, then thumbnail will fail to generate due to 404 error. Before you post your site, check if all resources exist:

  1. Open your site in Tor Browser
  2. Open developer tools (F12)
  3. Go to tab Network
  4. Refresh your site (F5)
  5. In filter field type status-code:404
  6. Upload missing fonts, styles, images or remove them from code

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